Roman Arches in Unexpected Places

Roman Arches in Unexpected Places


The Arch of Gallienus
Oil on Panel
11.8 x 7.8″

This Roman arch is found in the most unlikely of places. It is tucked into a corner between two streets in the middle of a bustling part of town.

Luckily it is blocked off to traffic leaving plenty of free space to set up an easel. Only I’m not sure that anyone ever does. The locals all seemed happy and surprised to see someone here painting this ancient ruin sandwiched between modern day buildings.

The arch of Gallienus goes mostly unnoticed, but is from the time of Augustus and in relatively good shape, even retaining part of the original inscription.

Sometimes I’m blown away by these important monuments and how they seem to get lost in the everyday business of modern life. Seeing as the entire city of Rome is more or less a living museum, I feel lucky to interact in such an easy way with these ghosts.

  • Anna

    October 13, 2014 at 7:51 pm

    So lovely!

    • Kelly

      October 14, 2014 at 8:00 am

      Thank you Anna. I think that this will have to be a larger painting this coming fall. There is also a wonderful fountain here in the front that I was not able to fit into this small composition. This is a wonderful and somewhat forgotten ancient arch, a real treat to be able to paint!