Day 101: Dog Days

Day 101: Dog Days

We’re just melting away out here with no relief in sight, not even a threat of a drop of rain…Summer in the Courtyard23×19 cmOil on Panel© Kelly Medford, 2012I went back to one of my favorite neighborhoods Garbatella to get a little courtyard painting in, I’m fascinated by these places. They seem to be almost villages unto themselves. I was slightly jealous of the kids around the corner who had got themselves an inflatable kiddie pool and were all fighting for turns to jump in and splash around. I might just have to copy their idea if it doesn’t cool off anytime soon.I loved this scene in particular for the hot almost purely yellow-red sun beating on the facades and the white linens hanging out on the line against the purple shadows caught my eye and made me pick this place in particular.Really though, I was just thinking about that kiddie pool!If you like today’s painting, you can buy it here from my website for $120.Thanks so much for following the project and I really hope that you’re keeping cool out there!

  • Anonymous

    July 15, 2012 at 7:25 am

    I love your latest works.You’re capturing beautiful scenes typical of a Roman summer with great light and wonderful compositions in each work. Paint more by the seaside so as to cool off.

    Best reagards, Celia

  • Kelly Medford

    July 16, 2012 at 6:45 pm

    Thanks so much for your comments Celia and for taking time to follow the blog/120 day project.
    In fact, you’ve got a great idea- next week I will be headed to the sea and of course, the paintings will continue there as well.