Roman Reds

Roman Reds

I used to always avoid painting cars. Once you start you have to just continue down the line and it is a never-ending one here in Rome.



Piazza Copernica
Oil on Panel
6 x 8″
But this car, it just had to be in the composition.

Red! The colors of Rome. The light and shadows. These are what made me paint this little composition today.

I decided to try a different approach and took a bit of time in the initial stage of drawing out and deciding where everything would go. Usually I just get an idea and then go for it.

I’m not sure that taking my time seems to make much of a difference in the result from my normal approach of sketch it in and then paint as much as I can as fast as I can.

What seems to make a difference is not the initial approach, but how much time I spend working through it to resolve the painting as best I can. If the light moves very quickly then it also quickly turns into a test of memory.