Rome, Painting Life in Light and Shadow

Rome, Painting Life in Light and Shadow

As a plein air painter I spend loads of time walking around looking at the city as a potential painting. Luckily just about every corner offers itself up as a future subject.

This morning I walked out the door, down the street and set up my easel on this corner. Here there are easily 3 or so paintings that I am anxious to get down. The light and shadows plus the 3-way intersection offer so much interest.



Via Fanfulla da Lodi
Oil on Panel
20 x 25 cm


This corner is characteristic of my neighborhood, a one of a kind place in the world in my mind. I want to capture its stories here at corners like these.

The low buildings that are a distinct feature of this part of Rome are full of life and character. Each one is a different shape, size and color. This means that each building also casts its own distinct shadow, which is what I loved about this corner here and why I wanted to paint it.

Attempting to capture the light and shadow, color, value and put it all together is a lofty goal for a morning session of painting, but that’s the idea each time I get out there and paint.