Day 72: Keep It Fresh

Day 72: Keep It Fresh

As I set out today I knew where I wanted to go. It’s one of my favorite places, a park where two aqueducts meet. It’s called Tor Fiscale.Now I didn’t end up painting the aqueducts in order to stay out of the sun. It’s boiling out there and with no sign of relenting anytime soon.Undecided as to what to paint I headed to the public water fountain to get some water and cool off while I made my choice.Il Nasone, Tor Fiscale8×6″Oil on Panel© Kelly Medford, 2012Now you may begin to recognize these things as I seem to have a particular affinity for painting them. In fact, a reader and fellow painter suggested that I do a series of paintings on just these fountains. They’re a joy to paint and each one is unique in its own setting. Besides offering fresh water, it was a fresh look at and chance to paint a beloved subject.There are over 2,000 of these fountains in Rome, every neighborhood has a few. And man, am I grateful not to be left high and dry while out painting in this heat!You can see today’s painting or purchase it here from my website: am grateful for all of your wonderful input, comments and feedback, thank you. You’re always contributing to my growth and adventure!