Day 66: Saturday at The Pub

Day 66: Saturday at The Pub

Today I took off with my friends into the center of town. We went to see a wonderful Russian Avant-garde painting exhibition and then to the pub to watch the soccer game. A good Saturday!Of course I was prepared with my trusty little paintbox. Even though I didn’t know what I would paint, I was sure that something good would present itself.I must admit that I’m no soccer fan. So when we got to the pub I was excited by the dark wood and red lights. Here was my opportunity to paint while everyone else was engrossed in the game. Saturday at The Pub8×6″Oil on Panel© Kelly Medford, 2012This wasn’t my first time painting in the dark. In fact I find the surprise element fun. I’m never exactly sure how it will turn out since I have to half guess at the colors when mixing in the dark.My “model” was completely involved in the game and didn’t mind my painting her, but she by no means held still for an instant while cheering on her team.I just loved the red light and little windows behind her giving a nice mix of warm darks and cooler lights while framing her in the scene. It’s fun and a good exercise for me to break up the street scenes with this dark interior, it gave me the chance to use some darker richer colors. You can see today’s painting or buy it here from my website for $120.Thanks for following the 120 Day Project!

  • Helen K. Beacham Fine Art

    September 2, 2012 at 3:03 am


  • Kelly Medford

    September 10, 2012 at 9:48 am

    Isn’t it? Is kind of a weird painting, but I like different lighting and moods. It was a good experiment/change.