Day 47: Changing Seasons

Day 47: Changing Seasons

The weather is really changing now. The front page of today’s paper had Rome’s mayor out lining the river with sand bags to protect against the predicted coming storms. Fall is here in a big way and today it was all about the clouds.October Clouds, Acqua Bullicante6×8″Oil on Panel© Kelly Medford, 2012Fall always leaves me with this melancholy feeling, the end of summer I guess facing and the oncoming winter.I only just tolerate winter, I can’t stand the cold. Lucky it usually doesn’t get that cold in Rome and most of the time the sun is shining, which is the important thing.This is my old haunt, one that I can’t quite give up yet. There are so many paintings in this abandoned field behind my house that I’m continually searching them out.You can see today’s painting or buy it here on the websiteSee other paintings from the 120 Day Project here.Thank you for following the 120 Day Project!