Day 40. Fresh Starts

Day 40. Fresh Starts

I got inspired today and I realized what really gets me excited about painting:light and shadow.Afternoon on the Roof6×8″Oil on Panel© Kelly Medford, 2012It may seem obvious, but this is truly the subject matter that gets me excited to paint- buildings and structures along with the play of light and shadow on them. This is really why I live in Italy, for it’s hot warm sun and deep cool shadows. Along with the architecture, history and… (and the list goes on). I didn’t venture far today, just up 5 flights of stairs in my building to get a good view. When I got up there I saw this ladder with the jacket hanging on the old wooden window by chance and was excited to have found today’s painting.You can see or buy today’s painting here on the website for $120.You can see other paintings from the 120 Day Project here.Thank you for following!Upcoming Workshops….Click here to see workshop schedules for this and next year.