Day 36: Laying Low

Day 36: Laying Low

Silence seems to be the theme out there on the streets and in the parks of Rome today. The quiet, gray silence of winter has arrived.These past few days I’ve taken time out to paint some larger canvases and prepare for an upcoming painting trip to Portugal. Today I was really itching to get outside though despite the ominous looking weather. Sometimes that quiet winter gray is just what the doctor ordered.Path to the Shed, La Caffarella6×8″Oil on Panel© Kelly Medford, 2012In the mood for vast spaces and a little quiet, I went to one of my favorite haunts, La Caffarella. Silence outside is a myth- it was anything but quiet! The wind was howling and the sheep were out there alongside me in the pasture bbaaaaaaahhhing away. In the end it was still a break from the everyday chaos of the city and just what I needed before having to prepare the inevitably complicated suitcase for going away painting.This painting is of one of the lean-to sheds built as a sort of impromptu invention up against the wall of a crumbling casale to house the sheep and their new lambs. Today it was empty but I really wanted to paint those deep recessing shadows with the path leading up to it.I’ll be away for almost a week starting tomorrow to visit friends and paint in Portugal. I’ll post paintings from there as soon as I get the chance.See or buy today’s painting hereSee other paintings from the 120 Day Project hereUpcoming Workshops:December 15&16 Rome Cityscaping click here for detailsAugust 21-28, 2013 Art of the Painted Sketch in Umbria, click here for details


    November 29, 2012 at 2:35 am

    Just paint on! I make drawings when the weather is not so good,in Denver.
    I will look out the window, or work from memory. I just sold 12 shoe box works in the past ten days.
    All of the work was done from memory, except two lilac paintings, I
    did in the studio.
    Yo have a very strong brush!
    Bob Ragland

  • Sue Pownall

    December 2, 2012 at 4:56 am

    What a lovely spot to paint.

    Have a fabulous time in Portugal.