Crazed Plein Air

Crazed Plein Air

Even though sometimes I might think it, I never say it. Today I really mean it though: this painting was well-earned.Morning Coffee, Trastevere9×7″Oil on Panel© Kelly MedfordPainting on this corner was a great idea in theory, the slanting light coming in was perfect! Together with painter Ohla Pryymak, who is also a plein air painter and currently lives in London, we scoped out this spot.She was smart and set up right against the cafe. I on the other hand insisted on having this view. Little did I know that this corner where 2 tiny streets meet is the equivalent to a 4-lane highway of people, cars, trucks delivering the morning’s goods and crazed scooters.I constantly had to move, eventually just holding my pochade box in my hand and becoming a mobile painting unit in order to avoid getting mowed down by angry morning commuters.I’m glad I stuck with it (and I debated a few times whether or not to abandon the painting and go somewhere else), as I got this finished painting.Rome isn’t always romantic, although more often than not the light is stellar. Which really makes it all worth it. Actually, I like the adventure.You can see or buy today’s painting here on the websiteSee all other paintings from the 120 Day Project hereCheck out the other 250 artists painting daily for the month of January hereCome and Paint ItalyClick here to see 2013 of painting workshops in Rome, Umbria and Venice.