Day 18: Still Life in Blue

Day 18: Still Life in Blue

Oh, so I wanted to give myself a challenge, something different and new. I let myself in to the studio across the hall that gets direct sunlight and thought, “shadows“!

Still Life in Blue
Oil on Panel
8 x 6″


I wanted to paint in oils today to get the juicy feel of the paint on the brush. The pattern of the shadows on the table from the window and the little jug made me want the painting to be about patterns, tones, shapes and close color harmonies rather than just an object.

This was a real challenge. The tones are so close together and the silhouette of just the object- sometimes it seemed too light and then too dark. Adjust and readjust- another satisfaction of oil painting, building up the paint and brushstrokes.

I think I could take this even further, more abstract and more paint. And this is a step in that direction. Wow, there is so often a gap between what I can envision and what comes out, when this happens I see just how far there is to go and so much still to learn.

Which is the good news. If I had this down and knew how to do everything, I am not sure what would be next.