Day 3: A Florida Street Scene

Day 3: A Florida Street Scene

Today is another gorgeous sunny day in Florida. I am here for a few weeks visiting family and today had the chance to get out and paint with friends.

I probably have not mentioned that I do not have any oil paints with me because I am waiting for them to come from a large order I placed, so it is all watercolor for me.

Harvard Street, Orlando
Watercolor on Paper
7 x 10″
$115 | Available


I followed my friends and painted where they were going, I wanted to be close by and have the chance to catch up with them while we worked. I picked this scene because it was a group consensus that this was a good house to paint with the coming and going of the light.

I chose to put the tree in the foreground (which was there) though I felt nervous as to whether or not I could make it work, painting individual trees in watercolor is not my strong suit. Remembering that this is a 30 day challenge to grow and learn, I made sure to include that tree.

What I really learned from this painting today was to stop and not nitpick, to stop myself from making little details- bushes, individual steps, all the parts of the grass. Whatever it may be (for in every painting there are the oh so many tempting details!) the success of a painting is NEVER found in describing all the minutiae and details.

Instead the success of a painting is found in composition, drawing, do the values work right and so on- basically the bigger picture.

I even left part of this painting unpainted, it seemed done in that I had told the story of this little house on this street in Orlando.