Rome Pastoral

Rome Pastoral

Rome is a hectic and bustling city, just try crossing the street here and you will know what I mean.

Some days I feel tired just from battling my way through traffic before I’ve even gotten to where I’m going and I am sure that all Rome inhabitants experience this.

The way to keep loving and appreciating this one-of-a-kind city is to escape it every so often and spend a day away in the countryside, in silence.

One of my favorite places to escape to is really just on the outskirts of the city and is a huge nature reserve called Decima Malafede. It has thousands of acres of farmland and a few dirt roads. I feel completely inspired here and awed by the landscape, everywhere you turn is a possible painting.



Via Valle Perna, Decima Malafede
19 x 27″
Oil on Linen
$2,800 | Available

This was painted at Decima Malafede in spring when the greens were bright and new before the dry heat of the summer set in. The puffy clouds, looking up the road disappearing around the hilltop and the old barn perched there seemed like a painting that went ahead and composed itself.

Feeling refreshed and completely renewed I return to Rome ready to battle traffic and chaos for the beautiful views, piazzas, parks and buildings that are around every corner and are just waiting to be painted.

  • Jeanne Salucci

    July 21, 2016 at 1:55 pm

    Kelly, Gorgeous painting. I feel peaceful just looking at it!

  • Marta

    July 21, 2016 at 4:25 pm

    A lovely and peaceful scene, Kelly. Your clouds are great.