A Little Taste of California

A Little Taste of California

California sure knows how to enchant painters and has been doing so for centuries.
I was very lucky to be invited to paint with local painter Tim Horn in this town, population 96, one morning last month.

There are so many views here, all too picturesque to quite believe that you are not in a movie set. This church, St. Mary’s, is a big attraction and has been surely painted by locals and visitors alike through time.


St. Mary’s Church in Afternoon Light, Nicasio
Oil on Linen Panel
9 x 12″ framed
Available here

I chose this view, which I found irresistible,because of the building in shadow with the light hitting the roof and the bright green grass contrasted with the almost purple hills behind- a feast of color and light for the eyes!

It is always a challenge to arrive in a place and only have 1 single day to paint. How and what to capture? In the end the light is what it boils down to for me. Capturing a moment that shows a place through its quality of light is essential, it shows what it feels like to be there (if you can pull it off of course).

I can see why there is a long tradition of plein air painting in California- like Italy the weather is perfect for being outdoors all year round and the countryside, cliffs, ocean and so on offer endless exploration of light and subjects.

Learn a little more about the California Impressionists here.

You can see some of my other California paintings which are available at Studio One, Big Sur here on their website.

Time for me to get back to Rome…

  • Marta

    April 16, 2016 at 5:13 pm

    Hi Kelly,
    Love your painting of St.Mary’s in Nicasio! Recognized it right away since we spent a lot of time in the Pt. Reyes area when we lived in Sonoma County. I am still sketching & painting and hope to see you in Rome again some day.
    Marta Raaka

    • Kelly

      April 19, 2016 at 10:51 am

      Hi Marta and so great to hear from you.
      This is such a gorgeous area and feel lucky to have had the chance to visit and paint, though I do not know it as well as someone who lived in the area like you.
      Great to hear that you are still sketching and painting and I hope that we will have the chance to sketch together again should you come and visit us again in Rome!
