The Winter Colors of Florence

The Winter Colors of Florence

Every place has its own distinct light and colors, a distinct palette if you will. Florence is certainly no exception. Though not far from Rome, the quality of light and colors found here are uniquely their own. When I close my eyes and think of the hillsides of Tuscany in their neat rows of olive trees, vineyards and country homes, I see light blues, greens, purples and pinks in a harmony that sings.



Winter Hills, Florence
Oil on Panel
20 x 30 cm
$360 | Available

Getting up early with the mist one morning, I strapped on my easel and headed towards Fiesole. On the way up the hill I stopped in this field and was mesmerized by the colors more than the composition itself.

Capturing the layers of green, blue, purple and some yellows here, setting of the warm against the cool, this painting was more about an homage to the colors of the Tuscan landscape and how delicate and lovely they can be at this time of year.

Paintings like these give me the chance to appreciate winter and to rest the eyes from the bright bold colors of both light and shadow of summer.