24-hour Rome Flowers

24-hour Rome Flowers

In Italy there are no 24-7 convenient stores. The only thing that you can buy in Rome 24 hours a day, 7 days a week are flowers.

The Flower Stand, Piazza Vittorio
Oil Panel
20 x 25 cm

Practical or not, it’s true and every neighborhood in the entire city has at least 1 if not more of these kiosk type flower stands.

This particular square, Piazza Vittorio, is a large gated square park with a flower stand on each side. This one is my favorite though for the afternoon light coming in and if I stand under a tree on the corner, I go relatively unnoticed.

I did have company for most of my time painting this, a serious spectator who only asked a question every half and hour or so. He seemed miffed when I kept not being finished with the painting.

This painting does need a few finishing touches that I was just unable to get in one shot. I will go back and finish up a little more work in the trees and redefine some of the shadows and other small details in the building behind the flower stand.

This painting will not be available on the website until I have made the finishing touches. If you would like to own it, just contact me and I will gladly reserve it for you.