Do Over

Do Over

I went back to the Tiber river to have another shot at painting a bridge (a different one this time) and to focus on just a portion of it at a bend in the Tiber. I wasn’t going to be dulled by a dud.

Through the Bridge, The Tiber
Oil on Arches Paper
9 x 12″

The soft morning light with the clouds hanging low gave this a different kind of atmosphere that let me play with some narrow ranges of colors in the grays and greens.

Though this is not a finished painting, I went to do it for the sake of learning to study the bridge, the water, the trees and the turn of the path along the river.

I find going back to paint the same or similar subjects over and again to be important for getting a grasp on a difficult subject. Repetition in painting gives the chance to understand and explore fully and just keep the painter engaged.

  • Anna

    November 19, 2014 at 5:27 pm

    So glad you went back! This painting is just lovely and I wish it was mine!

    • Kelly

      November 24, 2014 at 12:42 pm

      Hi Anna and thanks so much for your kind comments.
      I love painting down on the river, a real haven in the middle of busy Rome and with so much to offer.
      This painting sold right away, but there will be more to come.

      Thanks so much for following the blog and for your interest in my work.