We’ve Got a Dud

We’ve Got a Dud

If it weren’t for the fact that I am honoring my word to show you my work everyday for the month of September, I would never have posted this painting, a true dud!

But it’s not really that dramatic, and in fact showing the duds can be fun and remind us all of being human and not just producing machines.



Ponte Cestio
Oil on Panel
20×30 cm

I can’t yet pinpoint exactly where this painting started to go wrong, but I’m pretty certain that it was in the conception stage before I ever began painting.

Was it poor planning? Just an “off” day? An over ambitious subject matter on such a small canvas in a short period of time?
Probably a little of each of these reasons.

No harm in making duds, they are necessary.

I’m curious about how other people use their mistakes to learn or to take a different approach the next time.

How do you study or learn consciously and wisely?

If you have any tips or tricks, don’t hesitate to leave your comments, I’d be very keen to know how you turn your “duds” into insights.