The Charm of Arches

The Charm of Arches

Isn’t there something just harmonious and attractive about arches?

There must be for me at least, I think that I have painted and sketched hundreds of them alone here in Rome.


The Yellow Arch, Villini
Oil on Panel
8 x 6″

I was sure that this painting was not going to turn out from the get go, only because I had about a blink of an eye to get this whole thing down before the sun moved across and these great diagonal shadows were gone.

My approach today was to go as fast as possible and get the big shapes of light and color in and then to slow down and work in as many details as I could from memory (the light was totally gone after just half an hour).

I kept going even though I was sure I would be writing to you about today’s failed attempt. Maybe I had some small hope that I would pull it together.

And I did. I loved looking into this little private little courtyard arch.

Even if I was sitting in the middle of the sidewalk across the street and making all of the grandmas really mad that they had to go into the street with their big cart of Saturday morning groceries. After about 20 grandmas I stopped saying sorry.

Hope they forgive me!