Plein Air Workshop: Rome + Tuscany 2015

Plein Air Workshop: Rome + Tuscany 2015

I’m very excited to collaborate with Pamela Haack of Off the Beaten Strada for a 10-day plein air workshop which will allow us to paint both in Rome and in the rolling countryside of Tuscany.

We will have 3 days to spend together painting and sketching in Rome, visiting both Tiber Island and be taken by private van to Rome’s oldest road The Appian Way.




After a warm-up in the city, we’ll load our gear into our private van and head up to a villa all to ourselves in Tuscany.There we will have several days to relax and work together painting the surrounding landscapes. We will also visit the ancient wine town of Montepulciano where we will have a vineyard all to ourselves to paint stopping during the day to have a lunch prepared just for us by the winery.




This is an extraordinary opportunity that I am very excited about since I love painting both in the city as well as the countryside of Italy- both have so much to offer. The best part is that our housing, food and transportation are all taken care of. All you have to do is come ready to paint.




We will work together in a relaxed setting, both morning and afternoon painting in plein air. Each day we will focus on a specific principle of painting such as values structure, edges, warm and cool colors, atmospheric perspective to create depth in your paintings, hard and soft edges and composition.The group will be small with a maximum of 8 painters so that we can all get the most of our time working together.




Non painting friends and companions are welcome  and can easily take day trips, have private tours or transportation arrangements made for them.

See the full details of the workshop, including the daily itinerary and cost or Learn more about Pamela Haack and Off the Beaten Strada

I’m looking forward to painting with you next year here in Italy!