Everyone Loves Tuscany!

Everyone Loves Tuscany!

Who doesn’t love Tuscany? And what’s not to love? Living in Rome since 2010, I almost forget sometimes that I lived in Tuscany for 6 years. But when I go back, I remember instantly! The light, those pinks and blues, only in Tuscany.


Via San Francesco, Fiesole
16 x12″
oil on linen

This steep little road leads from the main square in Fiesole up to the Franciscan Monastery. I have walked it many times. On the way up you are rewarded with a spectacular panoramic view looking into the valley of The Arno river and can see the entire city of Florence.Though a tiny city, Fiesole is very well maintained and has a few things to see besides the view, this little street and the Franciscan Monastery.

Fiesole was a major Etruscan city from the 9th-8th century BC and conquered by the Romans in 283 BC when it is first found in written documentation.There is also an excellent gelateria here called Il Tucano just up the hill from the main piazza on your right. (Everyone needs to know where to find a good gelato no matter where you go!)

This view was a treat to paint as it is both looking down a steep hill and then straight out to the hills in the background. Having the chance to paint the rooftops from above plus the classic cypress tree (not native to Italy by the way) is decidedly a Tuscan view.



  • Joan Tavolott

    July 4, 2014 at 12:40 pm

    It is nice to come here and get a taste of Italy…love your paintings!

    • Kelly Medford

      July 16, 2014 at 6:25 am

      Hi Joan and thanks so much for your lovely comments! Capturing the light and feel of Italy is so much fun and a true joy. Thank you for following and coming along for the ride.