Feature Article Plein Air Magazine

Feature Article Plein Air Magazine

Even though I live in Italy, I always feel American. People ask me that question all the time: do I feel more Italian than American?I hope that my answer will not disappoint you, but I never feel Italian! Not for any reason other than having my culture contrasted on a daily basis reminds me of where I come from and how I was raised.



Though I’ve adapted perfectly well to Italian life and love just about everything here, I will always have my silly American quirks, traits and habits. I bring this up because I was fortunate to have a recent article about my paintings in my neighborhood in Rome be featured in a short article by the American Plein Air Magazine and this is one of the things the interviewer wanted to know about me. It’s also such a joy to be an American living and working in Italy and to share a peek into what that is like.

Read the article online

I of course jumped at the opportunity to promote plein air painting in Rome, what a special treat! It’s hard to believe that such a strong and important tradition in Italy’s most important historical city has fallen by the wayside. On my one woman mission to revive plein air painting in Rome, I am thrilled to share this article with you. Hopefully this is the beginning of many more to come. Thank you for your interest in my work and plein air painting in Rome and Italy. More paintings coming soon.