Painting on a Saturday Morning, Pigneto

Painting on a Saturday Morning, Pigneto

As the weather turns to full on spring here in Rome, jumping out of bed in the morning is the most appropriate response for a plein air painter, especially in my neighborhood.



 First Thing Saturday Morning, Via del Pigneto
35 x 30cm
Oil on Linen

This is a street that I walk and bike regularly and have painted before. It is one of my favorite streets leading into my neighborhood here in Rome, Pigneto.

It can become very busy early with people walking their dogs, heading to work or the market for the day’s shopping. Although it seems like a sleepy back street, it is anything but.That is why I had to get here early, otherwise I would be blocking a major sidewalk thoroughfare with my easel.

As I was finishing up late morning I could hardly get any more painting done for stopping to talk with so many of the locals. Some wanted to tell me about the history of this place and how this was only a dirt road until the 1970s. Others made suggestions about where I should really be painting (why this street? some wanted to know).

I chose this street because it is the visual landmark in my mind of the beginning of my neighborhood and, as you can imagine, for the morning light coming in against these buildings. Pigneto used to only be smaller buildings like these with just 2 or 3 stories. The neighborhood is also dotted with small gardens, popping out between houses, fences and around every corner.