Plein Airing in the Rain

Plein Airing in the Rain

Sometimes painting in the rain is just as fun as singing. Sometimes.

Yesterday was a fight against the rain, getting soaked at every turn and trying to compromise between finding the best place to paint and being realistic about keeping the canvas dry enough to work on.The morning’s painting was a wash. Sorry about the pun.But all was not lost.After a hearty lunch of polenta with a wild boar sauce the sun began to shine and things were looking up again for the winter plein air painting situation.




I immediately grabbed my easel and ran for this overlook known as Il Belvedere or panoramic spot not to far off the main street Via Cavour.I chose this view because it showed the rooftops of the town and then looking out to the far hills in the distance. These views are challenging, but if I can capture them, incredibly rewarding by giving a full sense and scope of a place.The misty clouds hanging on the mountains convinced me. Only in the winter or early spring do we get to see these misty clouds as the rest of the year it’s mostly sunny blue skies with puff ball clouds floating by.The rain did come again and with big gusts of wind out there on the outer wall of the city. I was not able to finish the painting, but I did relish in the time I had taking in the breathtaking views from Orvieto.