New Landscapes

New Landscapes

Just before the end of the year I spent 10 days in central California and wow is it beautiful.Thanks to local friends who guided me to great painting locations, I had the chance to paint and see several new places. I cannot describe the landscape here, suffice to say it is definitely not Rome.View Towards the Reservoir, California8×10″oil on linen panel©Kelly Medfordclick here for purchase detailsThere is so much to see and explore in this vast and fascinating landscape. There are rolling hills covered in long, dry, brown grasses like these here and then lush wooded landscapes meeting cliffs and sometimes going down to the Pacific Ocean.I knew or had an idea what this landscape would be like from admiring so many California Impressionist books of painting. But as we all know, experiencing a place for yourself gives it a whole new meaning.You can see other American Landscapes here on my website

  • Sue Pownall

    January 10, 2014 at 6:02 am

    The paintings from your trip are great. Glad you had such a fab experience. Hope 2014 continues to bring new experiences and lots of inspiration.

    • Kelly Medford

      February 4, 2014 at 10:34 am

      Hi Sue and thanks so much for your encouraging words. Having the opportunity to paint in California was truly wonderful and the perfect way to start off the new year.
      Wishing you a year full of creativity and prosperity!