The Quiet Fog: Venice as It Should Be

The Quiet Fog: Venice as It Should Be

One morning I woke up early and ran to the window only to not see anything, well anything except fog. Normally this would be cause to either go back to bed or have a leisurely breakfast. But in Venice it means grab your gear and get out the door: painting opportunity!

Morning Fog, Santa Maria della Salute, Venice
Oil on Linen Panel
18 x 30 cm

Grabbing a coffee on the go at the nearest caffè I jumped on the vaporetto not knowing where would be the best spot to paint.Riding down the canal the fog lifted some and the water opened up as we passed San Marco square. I jumped off at the next stop where you can look across the water at this view and one of Venice’s most celebrated churches Santa Maria della Salute.The fog had cleared enough to see somewhat into the distance which was perfect. The boats moving along the water were mostly just black spots on the horizon, giving Venice its true feeling of silent mystery.Though I didn’t have much time, this was the painting I had been waiting to capture and in fact was my only opportunity during our stay.The moral of the story? Don’t stay in bed! In the end I’m always glad I didn’t.

  • Sue Pownall

    December 11, 2013 at 10:45 am

    Love the moral 🙂

    Great painting Kelly.

    • Kelly Medford

      December 11, 2013 at 2:12 pm

      Ha, you liked the moral Sue?!
      Thanks for reading. X