Colle Oppio: Gateway to Rome’s Colosseum

Colle Oppio: Gateway to Rome’s Colosseum

This park called Colle Oppio or the Oppian Hill in English, has a special place in my heart. The first day I set foot in Italy almost 10 years ago now (almost impossible to believe, but it’s true), I stumbled upon this park which is a spur of the Esquiline Hill overlooking the Colosseum.

Entrace Gate, Colle Oppio
oil on linen panel
Before getting on the plane, I remember reading a guide to the city of Rome called something like Secret Rome. It was written by artists, architects and historians of not only what to see in the city, but more importantly the best way to approach sites like the Colosseum. See, in a city like Rome, you don’t want something like the Colosseum to just be there smack in the middle of your vision, the towering giant that it is in the landscape. But rather when you can sneak up on it gradually as is comes into view from the hill below into your field of vision, it has an entirely other impact.This is a unique park in Rome and not only for its view of the Colosseum, but also because it houses the remains of Nerone’s Domus Aurea, perhaps a now much under visited sight in this part of the city.I happened upon this park by accident on a significant day in Italy, June 2nd. This day Rome celebrates Italy becoming a republic and has a military parade which circles The Colosseum several times with tanks, marching bands and a trailing parade.Seeing this as my first impression of Rome and Italy from this hill above will be burned in my brain forever and will always be the warm welcome that I felt upon arriving in Rome.