What Goes into Painting a Commission?

What Goes into Painting a Commission?

Paintings on commission are such a joy!Why?Because it’s the chance to make someone a painting just as they want it.charcoal study for commission of Rome’s Piazza del PopoloThough it can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months to complete a commission, each step involves care and thought. Personally I see it as an adventure and the opportunity to delve deeper into a subject, studying it fully while painting and drawing it several different ways until the composition, light, size of the painting and color are just right.painting a color study on location in Piazza del PopoloSince I’m a plein air painter, all of my commissions are done on location and not from photos. I want to respond to the light and atmosphere of a place in the moment and to really capture that as much as possible. And besides I like being out in the middle of life happening rather than the quiet studio.

another color study of Piazza del PopoloThis painting in particular was to capture that first morning light in one of Rome’s grandest squares, Piazza del Popolo. The person who commissioned it is leaving Rome after more than a decade here and this was the memory that he chose to take away with him. Every morning he would arrive in this square on his bike while commuting to work early. He remembers the light and looking down this street between the churches and the beautiful magical silence of the place.finished painting still on the easelThis is what commissioned paintings are about: memories, adventures, reminding us of beautiful moments that can often times escape a photo. It’s always a joy, like I said, to make these paintings full of personal meaning and a gift to have the chance to slow down and know the person and the place. I also get to do lots of studies- drawings, watercolors, different shapes, sizes and experiment with composition. Normally in my everyday work I arrive on location and just go for it, not taking the time to really study a location and all of its possibilities.commission in progress on location for a couple’s 50th wedding anniversary of their home in the hills of UmbriaJoin me for a plein air or sketchbook journaling workshop in Italy.Check here for upcoming dates and locations.