Working Class Mish Mash of Rome

Working Class Mish Mash of Rome

Now even if you live in Rome, you may never have visited this off-the-beaten-track neighborhood: Pigneto. I just love the name, it suggests those towering pines in abundance that Rome is so famous for. In fact the name does come from the row of pines planted by the Caballini family here to line their 17th century villa.These days in this part of town you find a mish-mash of old meets new, gardens and abandoned lots all mixed together with hole in the wall trendy bars and restaurants.

Via Braccio da Montone, Pigneto
Oil on Paper (mounted)
12 x 9″

This is a corner I’ve always loved for the light in the morning and is a building so typical of this neighborhood. More than just a working class neighborhood, this place houses the melting pot of Rome. Romans, immigrants, students and upscale expats alike all come to share this space and enjoy the laid back neighborhood style feel of the place.


Morning Market, Pigneto
Oil on Panel
9 x 12″
$450 | Available

This is just one stall at Pigneto’s daily morning market, held in the infamous area pedonale or pedestrian area. It’s the only place in the whole neighborhood where cars cannot drive and is a 2 block strip of shops, bars and restaurants and is the heart of the neighborhood in the morning for the market and at night for meeting up for a drink and dinner.

Morning Light, Via del Pigneto
Oil on Linen Panel
8 x 6″

This is another street view from the main street running through the entire neighborhood and one I see just about everyday. The light here in the morning is spectacular and it’s quiet with only the noise of the water running in the fountain.