Where the non Catholics go in Rome

Where the non Catholics go in Rome

In a Catholic country, where do the non-Catholics get buried? Well there is one extraordinary place known as the non-Catholic cemetery in Rome and it’s unlike any cemetery you’ve ever seen.


The English Cemetery, Piramide
Oil on Paper
12 x 9″

This is no ordinary cemetery, it’s extraordinarily beautiful, well manicured and orchestrated. Most graves have unique sculptures leading you through a maze up the hill and the entire place is encircled by one of the city’s ancient Roman walls.Painting here is a bit daunting as there is so much to capture at each turn. The cemetery is also lush with plants, flowers and towering cypress trees to keep you cool and making you forget that  the other side of the chaos of the city is awaiting just over that wall.Some of the most notable people buried here are Percy Shelley, romantic poet John Keats, Italy’s Communist party founder Antionio Gramsci and the list goes on.If you’re ever in Rome don’t miss this on your list of places to visit, you’ll be amazed and inspired.

  • Helen K. Beacham Fine Art

    July 11, 2013 at 9:15 pm

    You always amaze me with your knowledge of your subject matter, Kelly. Thank you, as always, for sharing with us your days in paradise over there!

  • Kelly Medford

    July 29, 2013 at 11:42 am

    Hi Helen and thank you for your comments! Having the chance to go out and paint on location is the perfect way to slowly get to know the long and complicated history of Rome. And it’s a million times better than just reading about it! Glad you’re enjoying the blog.