Amazing Italian Towns

Amazing Italian Towns

Italy is jam packed with gorgeous little towns running up hillsides as you travel throughout the country. One could spend their whole life travelling the country and never get to them all. Some seem more magical than others- whether it be all the history of people who have walked those roads before we ever set foot there or just something in the tranquil air of the current inhabitants- small towns and villages are the real charm of Italy.

It’s not often that I have the chance to get out and paint outside of Rome, but sometimes the opportunity presents itself and I jump on it.


Oil on Linen
20 x 15″
$1,500 Available

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The town of Subiaco is not only gorgeous, but ancient with a fascinating history. An Italic people who populated this region were conquered by the Romans who took over the city in 304 B.C. Besides this Benedict also lived in caves here and there have been a series of Benedictine monasteries here. Now the most gorgeous monastery stands on one hill and is looking to the Simbruini Mountains.

Having the opportunity to just go and paint for one day, it was nearly impossible to choose what to paint. I wandered the winding streets, up and down about 1,000 stairs. The people who live in this town must be in great shape!

I settled on this view, because it really seemed to give a sense of the town and it’s multi-layered levels and houses. I spent all day long after the light was gone working on this and the women who lived in the houses all around kept checking up on me to see how I was doing. They regularly offered me a chair to join them, water, coffee and sandwiches- I’m telling you, plein air painting in Italy is really the best, Italians care about their artists!