Not so Secret Painting Spots in Rome

Not so Secret Painting Spots in Rome

I thought we had found the most magical (and secret) painting spot one morning.How it happened was we were in a hole in the wall coffee shop, getting geared up for painting rain or shine, when I spotted a faded poster on the wall of a tiny magical courtyard. I asked the old woman behind the counter about it and she told me it was just around the corner.Perfect! Now this is the way to find painting spots, to let serendipity lead you there.

Two Doors, Via degli Acetari
Oil on Linen Panel

Well, as it turns out, this place is on a poster for a reason, it’s a famous quaint courtyard here in Rome and was frequented by easily over 100 tourists in the morning while we were painting there. The name of this place is the street of vinegar makers. There doesn’t seem to be anyone making vinegar here anymore, but there were some artists’ studios, a wood shop and several homes. It is a little piece of heaven transported back in time. I decided to just focus on these 2 doors, they seemed to describe the place without having to paint the courtyard in its entirety. Naturally it was the colors that captured my attention: the red contrasting with the green, plus the deep dark shadows.When it seemed that everyone had taken a break from visiting the courtyard and gone to lunch, this little black cat came out of hiding and plopped himself right in the sun in front of this door.

Perfect, just like the day!