The Turtle’s Pace Wins the Race

The Turtle’s Pace Wins the Race

Well, getting into this larger canvas has been very exciting for me. Just the act of using my entire arm (as opposed to just the wrist) to paint feels powerful and how painting was meant to be.

The Old Casale60x75 cmwork in progress I was sure I could just “whip this out” in no time. Getting the canvas covered with the first layer of paint took somewhere around 5 hours.Then when I came back to it the second time, there was the beautifully mowed path in the midst of the tall grass- as if they had mowed it just for the painting! It added the perfect lead in for the composition.With the weather being so unpredictable, it is taking a long time in between sessions to get back here. Today it’s raining and other days it has been overcast with a blaring white sky that just wouldn’t work.

Watercolor study done in the same locationMaybe I’m considered “old-fashioned”, but I do not paint from photos. More than out of principle, it’s out of a commitment to make the best work that I am capable of. There’s a huge tangible difference between being there and responding to a place, its feel and light in the moment and attempting to recreate it from memory plus experience as opposted to the limited and flat information that a photo can provide.Painters that have been out there in the field for decades have enough experience and painting vocabulary to draw from. They know what light and shadow does in all of the various conditions and therefore can really produce solid paintings even away from the actual location.

Why would I stay in the studio when I could be out here painting?
May 10-30
Opening Reception Friday, May 10 6:30 p.m.
Gallery Opening Times:
Tuesday-Saturday 11-13 and 17-19
Sunday open by appointment

Upcoming Workshops
Too many to list here,  to see and participate in upcoming sketchbook journaling or plein air oil painting workshops in various locations around Italy.

  • Sue Pownall

    May 2, 2013 at 2:33 pm

    Sounds exciting. If the lovely watercolour and this WIP are anything to go by, it’ll be lovely when you finish.

    • Kelly Medford

      May 6, 2013 at 6:15 am

      Thank you Sue. It’s a long time coming I’m excited to paint some larger canvases.

    • Kelly Medford

      May 6, 2013 at 6:16 am

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