Signs of Spring

Signs of Spring

The rain is persisting here in Italy, which is fairly unusual for Rome this time of year.Still, there are some signs of spring coming just around the corner.

Almost Spring  8×6″Oil on Linen Panel ©Kelly Medford


A few hours of sun let me get out and paint this lone tree, still without its leaves in the field behind my studio. The play of reds and greens with a few shadows captured my attention and compelled me to paint this.The colors and shadows evoked so many 20 and 19th century paintings- just from this small painting the colors and light let you know immediately that this is Italy.This is the time of year I am preparing mentally and gearing up for the long  haul ahead. Preparing for the big push of long painting days and a series of exhibitions when the days slowly get longer and that relentless sun starts to beat down. Ahhh, those are the days that I am pining away for. As a plein air painter my rhythm is closely tied with that of the weather and the length of the days. This is the last week of 120 Days of Painting- I hope to finish it out with a bang. Stay tuned!
Upcoming Workshops:

Art of the Painted Sketch August 21-28
Umbria, Italy

Spend a week in an Umbrian villa eating, swimming, relaxing and learning the art of the oil sketch. Only 2 spots left!

Click here for details

The Light and Life of Venice October 12-20
Venice, Italy

Explore and capture Italy’s most magical and mysterious city in paint

Click here for details