Lakes, Villas and Boats- Oh My!

Lakes, Villas and Boats- Oh My!

Just outside the city in the hills of Rome, one can easily escape in time to the Castelli Romani.Filled with lakes, villas and sleepy towns nestled into the hillsides, this area is rich with material to paint.


Winter Boats, Lago di Gandolfo 8×6″Oil on Linen Panel ©Kelly Medford

Yesterday I had the chance to stop and paint at one of these volcanic lakes, Lago di Gandolfo. Already it sounds like something from a fairytale and was gorgeous with the clear blue sky.Though the sun was out, an artic breeze was blowing and limited where I could set up my easel. I found a place to tuck in behind some hedges to block the wind and painted these boats against a tree looking up the mountain.Now I was also looking into the sun, which can be tricky business. Not only does it require you to squint constantly just to be able to see what you’re doing, but the colors and values are subtle and delicate without those clear light and shadow shapes that I normally go after.This kind of painting can be beautiful, really giving you the feel of a winter’s day. I need more practice at it I learned yesterday.This is the beauty of painting each day- each day presents some new challenge and opportunity for growth and learning. That’s invaluable.Another painting from this part of Rome, one of those small towns called Rocca di Papa, is one of my favorites. It’s one of my favorites for the wonderful experience I had while making it and for the location- there are a lifetime’s worth of paintings just waiting to be painted here.



Via del Crocifisso, Rocca di Papa 50×40 cm Oil on Linen ©Kelly Medford SOLD

This was a special day and I painted this as part of a local painting competition. You can read the story behind the painting, which was then published in the local paper, by clicking here.

Upcoming Workshops:

Art of the Painted Sketch August 21-28
Umbria, Italy
Spend a week in an Umbrian villa eating, swimming, relaxing and learning the art of the oil sketch
Click here for details

The Light and Life of Venice October 12-20
Venice, Italy
Explore and capture Italy’s most magical and mysterious city in paint
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1 Comment
  • Sue Pownall

    March 1, 2013 at 5:41 pm

    Gosh artic winds and the sun in your eyes – you are dedicated!