The Power of Suggestion

The Power of Suggestion

With the end of my 120 Day Project on the horizon, I’ve been thinking and planning for what’s next. Of course there will still be lots of small paintings, but it’s time to expand.In times of growth and transition I always turn to other artists for dialogue, input and just to bounce around ideas. In talking with another American artist here in Rome, Sienna Reid, she got me thinking about what I’m in love with about painting Rome.There are endless aspects that hold my interest, grab my attention and inspire me. One of them that I come back to time and time again is the contrast of light and shadow, a key part of the light that is uniquely Rome.


Morning Shadows from the Kitchen Window 8×6″Oil on Linen Panel ©Kelly Medford


I love this view. I have been seeing this exact view every morning for the last 2 1/2 years- it’s the view from my kitchen window.The shadows that are cast under the eaves of those rooftops with the terracotta shingles is one of my favorite things that I look for while painting: the contrast and the compliments of the colors against the sky just makes my painting heart sing.Why I waited 2 1/2 years to paint this? Mostly because it seemed silly, it’s just out of my kitchen window.Saying that out loud seems even more silly though.I was never sure how to compose this, thinking it would be awkward not seeing the entire building.Instead I’m happy with this composition and the juxtaposition of light and shadow against that deepest blue Roman sky- the deepest blue I’ve ever seen.I hope that you will enjoy these last few paintings. I won’t be posting for a few days, as I’m off on a trip for the weekend, but I’ll be back Monday. Have a great day and I hope yours is as sunny as ours here in Rome.

Upcoming Workshops:
Art of the Painted Sketch August 21-28
Umbria, Italy

Spend a week in an Umbrian villa eating, swimming, relaxing and learning the art of the oil sketch

Click here for details

The Light and Life of Venice October 12-20
Venice, Italy
Explore and capture Italy’s most magical and mysterious city in paint
Click here for details

  • seascapesaus

    February 22, 2013 at 10:09 am

    While I was on the tram to my painting spot this morning I remembered your facebook post showing this work. Its simple geometric forms and clear colours were in my mind as what to aim for!

  • Sue Pownall

    February 22, 2013 at 3:11 pm

    What a beautiful view from your kitchen: it’s right you should paint it, and such fabulous blue.