It’s Amazing

It’s Amazing

Are you ever amazed by how much you accomplish in a day?I continually am.Getting up and going out to make a painting, photographing and writing a blog and newsletter post all before lunch, leaving me time to do other boring paper work never ceases to amaze me.Pair of Clementines6×8″Oil on Panel© Kelly MedfordToday I stayed in the studio, knowing I had so much of that dreaded computer work to catch up on.In our garden we have a clementine tree and the sheer quantity of fruit that it manages to produce every year also amazes me and inspires me to think up compositions for them.Stop to think about your output sometime, it’s truly amazing. You can see or purchase today’s painting here See other paintings from the 120 Day Project hereUpcoming Workshops:Take 2013 to come and paint Italy- upcoming workshops in Rome, Umbria and Venice

  • Kelly Medford

    January 12, 2013 at 3:53 pm

    Hey Ellie- glad to see you painting every day too. I’ve been doing a painting a day for months and this is the last month, the finish line. Time to work on some bigger compositions soon. Good luck and good for us!

  • Sue Pownall

    January 15, 2013 at 7:12 pm

    Congrats on getting so much done and still producing this lovely study.

    Hope the snow misses Rome.

  • Kelly Medford

    January 16, 2013 at 12:13 pm

    Thanks Sue for your kind comments.
    I think the snow is on its way now, we’ll see.. could be fun to paint some snowscapes?!