Happy Days

Happy Days

 Welcome to 2013!Isn’t that what you said while jumping out of bed this morning? Me too!I love the New Year, it’s always the chance to start fresh and build on what’s already been done. As for me, I’m working on some big changes. While those are in the works, I’m going to share these small daily paintings for one more month.Not only that, but I’m participaing with over 250 other artists on Leslie Saeta’s blog in painting a painting each day and sharing it. Nothing like the power of collaboration to put some wind in the sails heading into the new year.Tram 16, Milan8×6″Oil on Panel© Kelly Medford, 2013I just got back for Milan where I was painting for several days. What a fantastic city. My first goal was to get a quick painting in of their orange tram. Why? Because it’s orange speeding by in the otherwise gray landscape, what a wonderful contrast.You can buy today’s painting for $120 (+ $15 shipping) by clicking here.Check out the other artists participating in the January paintout here.You can see all other small paintings from the 120 Day Project here.A very Happy New Year to you!Upcoming Workshops:August 21-28 Art of the Painted Sketch in Umbria. Click here for details.

  • Claire Beadon Carnell

    January 2, 2013 at 1:33 pm

    Love this – and I am looking forward to seeing more!

  • Kelly Medford

    January 2, 2013 at 1:40 pm

    Hi Claire, thank you! Yes, January is going to be a good productive month to kick off the year.
    Are you participating in the January daily paintings as well? Hope so and thank you for your comments.

  • Nina John

    January 2, 2013 at 5:26 pm

    January is first month of the year this month is really nice and well going for me.Dear admin thanks for sharing something about Happy days.
    McDesert Safari

  • Sue Pownall

    January 3, 2013 at 8:19 am

    Great start to the new year. I hope it brings you lots of success and inspiration.

    • Kelly Medford

      January 3, 2013 at 8:53 am

      Hi Sue and Happy New Year to you! I see you started off the new year with new drawings already. Here’s to a creatively productive year! I’m looking forward to seeing your work in the upcoming year.

  • leslie heuer

    January 4, 2013 at 2:17 am

    how funny, i found you through and italy blog but your link to leslie saeta was so cool because i am a fan of hers and have been trying to take one of her workshops for years. she lives somewhat close to me. i just thought it was a neat coincidence!! happy new year and i wish i could paint with you someday in Rome. we took a trip there this summer and it was so much fun.

    • Kelly Medford

      January 4, 2013 at 5:42 am

      Hey Leslie glad that you found me here. It’s such a small world! So have you taken that workshop with Leslie yet?
      Too bad we didn’t have the chance to meet before, then we could have painted together while you were here- isn’t the light just incredible here in Rome?
      Are you participating in the 30 day panting challenge?
      Thanks for finding me here and please let me know next time you’re here, we’ll go painting!

  • leslie

    January 4, 2013 at 1:43 pm

    I haven’t had a chance to take Leslie’s workshop yet, I am looking at the 2013 schedule to see what might work. Unfortunately I am super busy with kids and work but I know once I start painting again I will be unstoppable! My father is an artist and we painted together for many years. I just got a little side tracked with kids and I can feel the pull again now that they are more independent. For sure I will contact you if I am back in Rome!! I look forward to following you on your blog. Oh yes the light in Rome is amazing, I took loads of photographs on our trip. We also drove down south to PUglia and Basilicata, also amazing!! 🙂

  • Kelly Medford

    January 6, 2013 at 7:48 am

    It sounds like you have new and exciting changes coming on, that’s great! I only wish I had had the opportunity to paint with an adult as a child, what a gift.
    Puglia and Basilicata are incredible, Italy it’s such a rich country and amazing place to paint.
    Best of luck to you in your painting endeavors and thanks so much for following. Once you get going you’ll have to start a blog so that others can follow your work and progress.