A Week In Review

A Week In Review

This week I’m catching up with backlogs of work and having family visitors from out of town.
I thought it would be the perfect time to revisit some of my favorite paintings from over the last few months.

Afternoon on the Roof

Oil on Panel
© Kelly Medford

I painted this on the roof of my building. It also inspired a larger painting that is in progress.

See this painting here on my website

Morning Shadows, Portico di Ottavia

Oil on Panel
© Kelly Medford

This was a painting from Rome’s historical Jewish Ghetto. If you missed the story about it, you can read it here.

See or purchase this painting here 

Via del Cedro, Trastevere

Oil on Panel
© Kelly Medford

This is an empty corner in Trastevere painted one day this fall in the rain. It was also part of the recent exhibition of Rome paintings in October. This one looks great in a dark and gold frame!

See this painting here on the website

Click here to see all other paintings from the 120 Day Project

Upcoming Workshops…

December 15 &16 Cityscpaing in Rome
August 21-28, 2013 Art of the Painted Sketch in Umbria