Day 41: Internal Dialogues

Day 41: Internal Dialogues

Now not everyday is for creating masterpieces, some days are just for working and figuring out how to make the best of what we’ve got.What I mean to say is that often times I go out painting, find a place that I really like, set out to paint it and for some reason the painting isn’t just what I pictured: I miss the mark. Sometimes you just get a dud.Orto Insolito, Quadraro6×8″Oil on Panel© Kelly Medford, 2012Now today’s painting is my no means horrible, it’s just not how I envisioned it. Greens are tough, but it was something more. This painting just lacked the cohesion that it needed to come together and while I struggled to pull it together, I just didn’t know how in the end.Nothing wrong with that, I still learned a lot about painting today. The only problem is I’m committed to painting each day and sharing it with you and then I’m torn when I don’t get a great painting, one that I really do want to share.The aim of the 120 Day Project began as a way to commit to painting every single day, but now it has evolved for me personally and become something more.Now that painting everyday has become a habit the project has become more about wanting to only share my best paintings. Maybe that’s superficial in some way. Many days I haven’t shared my paintings with you because I just couldn’t bring myself to post the “duds”.This isn’t the first time I’ve had this internal debate, I wrote a blog post about it last year.What to do? All I can think is to just keep painting and to make the decision on a case by case basis of whether or not it’s worthy of sharing.I’d be interested in hearing what you think. Do you want to see it all- duds and successful paintings alike? Or do you prefer just the best of the best?

  • Shelby

    November 16, 2012 at 2:26 pm

    I’m okay with seeing the duds. We’ve all had them. Plus, I think we can learn a lot from what doesn’t work.
    I’m really enjoying your blog…thanks!

  • Kelly Medford

    November 17, 2012 at 8:09 am

    Hi Shelly and thanks so much for your comments. It helps to know that you’re happy to see duds and successes alike. I try to learn from the duds as well, but sometimes the lessons aren’t clear until some time has passed.
    Glad to hear that you are enjoying the blog, thank you for following!