Day 42: Step-By-Step

Day 42: Step-By-Step

That’s how everything we do gets accomplished: one step at a time, right?This is what I was thinking about today when I went out painting. Doing it everyday, sometimes I lose sight of how many steps I’ve taken to get where I am now. 1,000? 1 million? Who knows and who’s keeping track? But sometimes it is important to be present to just doing one thing at a time.Afternoon Behind the Car Wash, Acqua Bullicante8×6″Oil on Panel© Kelly Medford, 2012This is just behind my house and one of my favorite places. It’s one of my favorite places not only because it’s so close, but also I immediately feel like I’m in the countryside- unless I turn back this way and see the high rise buildings. I wanted to paint this not only because I’ve never really painted a scene like this before, but mostly because I loved the contrast between the shadow in the foreground and then that bright white building just interrupting the sky.This painting really took me a long time today. You probably wouldn’t be able to tell if I hadn’t told you that. I was taking it slow- first the drawing, then the shadows, then the lights in relationship to the shadows. All of those little windows! Of course I’m not really that into detail, I prefer the big picture.You can see or buy today’s painting here on the website for $120.See other paintings from the 120 Day Project here.Thanks for following the 120 Day Project!Upcoming Workshops….Interested in painting Rome or the Italian countryside?Check out my website for available dates and costs.

  • Sue Pownall

    November 15, 2012 at 4:57 am

    Step by step too true, and don’t forget those steps backwards we make as well.

  • Kelly Medford

    November 15, 2012 at 2:58 pm

    Yes, too true. How could I possibly forget?!