Day 46: Back in the Saddle

Day 46: Back in the Saddle

Keeping up a daily practice is more than just a skill thing, it’s a mental thing as well I discovered.

It’s taken me a few days and a group of throw away paintings to get back into the mixing and brushing on of paint- a little painful. Why ruin a good thing like a daily rhythm?!



 Silo on the Hill, Via dell’Acqua Bullicante 6×8″Oil on Panel© Kelly Medford

There are always reasons why not to do something, even the most important things. What is important for me to remember is that commitment comes before feelings. That said, there are some times when it’s just not realistic to paint everyday, but boy, do I regret it! I’m happy to get back to it now that the weather has really changed and the exhibition has come to an end. I’m curious to see how the paintings will change now along with the weather.


Thank you for following the 120 Day Projectand for your interest in my work!


Upcoming Workshops The Painted SketchAugust 21-28, 2013   Come spend a week in a lovely Umbrian Villa and learn the art of the painted sketch.I’ll be teaching for 6 days in Umbria next summer and spots are limited.Learn to capture a moment and place in time on canvas.We won’t just be working, we’ll be eating, drinking good wine, visiting small towns and generally enjoying Italian life.

For more details or to see the villa and learn more about this gorgeous place we’ll be painting, go to

  • seascapesaus

    November 3, 2012 at 8:05 am

    Great to see you back again Kelly. Literally back in the bicycle saddle I suppose! I have missed seeing your posts, but often think of your discipline and commitment as I look at the weather or the phone rings or I instal something instead…

  • Kelly Medford

    November 6, 2012 at 8:59 am

    Ha ha, yes! Back in the bike saddle (though it’s a soggy one these days with all of the rain we’ve been having).

    Remember that your work is important, I always try to tell myself that when I’m headed to do laundry or answer the phone- that stuff can wait, improving my knowledge and skills can’t, it’s the most important thing and what I care most about.

    Thanks so much for your comments and happy painting!