Day 48: Be Prepared

Day 48: Be Prepared

The scout motto “Be Prepared” is exactly what came to mind while out painting today.Why?Rain.When the founder of The Scouts Baden-Powell created this motto he had 2 things in mind: to be prepared mentally and to be ready with everything you need. The motto literally says to be “…in a state of readiness in mind and body to do your duty.”Do your duty! I like that. It’s funny and extreme. It’s also true. This is the perfect motto for the plein air painter out in search of the day’s painting.



Garden Gate 6×8″ Oil on Panel  ©Kelly Medford SOLD

A rainy day in Rome doesn’t exactly inspire me like the beaches of Southern Holland. Instead it’s gray, dreary and silent. With this in mind I decided to head out anyway and look for a subject that was fit for the rain.I found this church yard inside an empty park, the perfect place to be if you want to get wet and paint in peace. I chose this for the green of the bush against the red-purple of the wall and the quiet shadows. I wasn’t prepared as any good plein air painter should be and forgot my umbrella. At certain points I wasn’t able to mop up the water fast enough from my palette. It’s true what they say that oil and water don’t mix. Nonetheless I was able to get this painting finished during the breaks in the rain and was happy with having ventured out into it. The silence of the city in the rain is something to be treasured.

Thank you for following the 120 Day Project!


Upcoming Exhibition…An American in Rome: Paintings and Stories from the Streets

Casa della Cultura, Villa de SanctisVia dei Gordiani, 5

Rome Opening Reception Saturday, October 274-7 p.m.

Exhibition Hours: Tuesday, October 23- Sunday October 28 3-7p.m

.See more details and RSVP to the event here

I’m so excited to share the last year and a half’s work of painting the streets of Rome with you! 

  • Sue Pownall

    October 15, 2012 at 5:35 am

    Gosh that’s dedication to paint in the rain, without an umbrella.

  • Kelly Medford

    November 2, 2012 at 1:48 pm

    ha ha, seems extreme, but I get antsy sitting at home. I do wish it didn’t rain, though. Painting in the rain can be a drag.. I guess you sketch in the boiling heat more than the rain? That can be torture sometimes as well.
    Thanks for your comments Sue!