Day 51: On the Corner in Trastevere

Day 51: On the Corner in Trastevere

This little one is from the renowned neighborhood Trastevere. Anyone who has been to Rome has most likely visited this part of town and loved it immediately. It’s just what you think of when you think of Italy: old with narrow cobbled streets, vines growing up the buildings and elderly women hanging their laundry between the buildings.Via del Cedro, Trastevere8×6″ Oil on Panel© Kelly Medford, 2012As luck would have it, as soon as I set up to paint it started to rain. Luckily enough though the eaves were wide enough for me to keep working and not have to take shelter.I think I just loved the red here and the fact that it was abandoned because of the rain. Later when I was leaving and the rain had stopped, an old man brought his chair and dog and planted himself here out front to chat to the locals. They seemed to really enjoy shouting to each other, teasing about this and that. They also didn’t even seem to notice the groups of tourists coming and going, only stopping a moment to snap a picture.I’m not exactly sure why I haven’t painted here more often. Most likely it’s the throngs of tourists that I shy away from. Nonetheless it’s one of the timeless places in Rome that is always worth spending a day marveling in.I have done a few paintings here- one nocturne at Christmas time and another in one of the few squares without parked cars. Both were a treat and make me want to go back more often.You can see today’s painting or buy it here from the website.See other paintings from the 120 Day Project here.

  • spacedlaw

    October 9, 2012 at 12:28 pm

    Great colours

  • Kelly Medford

    October 9, 2012 at 2:39 pm

    Thank you, glad you enjoyed all that RED!