Day 68: Summer’s Bounty

Day 68: Summer’s Bounty

All morning I was working in the studio to finish up a commission and then afternoon came. It dawned on me: it’s time to do my daily painting.I wanted to keep pushing through this morning’s work, but it was time for a break. Looking around the sun was streaming into the garden and right onto this basil plant.Summer Basil6×8″Oil on Panel© Kelly Medford, 2012If you have seen my paintings before then you know I just can’t resist this light. It’s strong and bold and those deep recessing shadows were calling to me. I do want to say though that painting a simple basil plant in a pot, well, it’s not as easy as it looks! Little did I know that all those little green leaves on their stems would daunt me in attempting to paint them. I want my work and my brushstrokes to be bold and sure, just as the Italian light. Today’s effort proved a challenge in maintaining that.I like the contrasts and compliments in this painting and I’m continually amazed by how much there is to paint in the everyday world around me.You can see today’s painting or purchase it here for $120 on my website.Thank you for your interest in my work and for following the 120 Day Project!

  • Joan T

    August 29, 2012 at 3:15 pm

    Mmmm…some tomatoes and cheese to go with it??? Looks good! Nicely filled with light. Jeannie and I were just talking about you yesterday when we were plein air painting. I’ve enjoyed catching up on your work that I missed since my last visit.

  • seascapesaus

    August 30, 2012 at 2:30 am

    This is gorgeous Kelly! one of my favourites. Philippa

  • Kelly Medford

    August 31, 2012 at 9:58 am

    Hi Joan and great to hear from you, thanks for stopping by and letting me know that you were thinking about me. I hope that you all have had a great plein air season this year. You can always subscribe via email to get blog updates if you like. Happy painting!

    Thank you Philippa, glad you like this one. I had a good time painting the intense light and deep darks, it’s one of my favorite challenges. Thanks for taking the time to leave your thoughts!