Day 76: It’s a Scorcher!

Day 76: It’s a Scorcher!

Today while out painting I realized the place to be in a country with no air conditioning is NOT inside but outside (in the shade of course.)After sweating over the computer this morning, it was a relief and literally a breath of fresh air to get out and paint. Never did 100° weather feel so good as today.Hot Afternoon Field, Acqua Bullicante5×12″Oil on Panel© Kelly Medford, 2012This is the field across the street from my house. I don’t even know how many times a day I see this view coming and going from my building. I love this view, mostly because it never looks the same twice.With the relentless heat this summer the entire field burnt back in June giving a better view of this line of falling down sheds. I love these sheds with the enormous pine tree for their rambling country feel right in the heart of the city. I’m sure I will always think of this field anytime I think of Rome in all the years to come.You can buy today’s painting here: I didn’t have time to post to the blog because I was out painting all day in a small mountain town called Subiaco for a painting competition held there.The town is wonderful and full of gorgeous treasures everywhere you turn. The town merits days if not weeks spent painting and exploring.There was an excellent turn out for the painting competition, over 60 painters participated. There were several prizes with the theme of the competition being the narrow winding alleys of the very old (and very picturesque!) historical center. Unfortunately I set the focus wrong on my camera and only have a blurry picture of the painting (sorry!) , so I’ve just included a photo of me with the painting at the awards ceremony.I’m also very pleased and excited to announce that my painting won the prize of honorable mention!I had such a fun time and got the chance to paint a big canvas for a day.Satisfying.

  • Sue Pownall

    August 26, 2012 at 11:29 am

    Congratulations. The painting looks fabulous!

  • Kelly Medford

    August 27, 2012 at 9:33 am

    Thank you Sue! I just live this field, it’s full of good paintings. I also enjoyed painting the long narrow format to try something new.