Day 77: Silent Saturdays

Day 77: Silent Saturdays

It’s hot and silent, just like a western film. Only here there are no cowboys, just parks and churches, streets with no traffic and only a few people waiting for the bus.That was the scene this morning in my neighborhood called Torpignattara. I love this place. It’s full of history and life and lots of different kinds of people.As usual I didn’t know where I was headed when I set out on my bike, but I ended up in this spot once again.In the Church Garden, Torpignattara6×8″Oil on Panel© Kelly Medford, 2012This is a church which was originally built inside a Roman mausoleum. Then when they restored what was left of Helena’s mausoleum, they closed the church to public use, but left it standing inside the ruins.  They then rebuilt the church along with this tiny garden with a Madonna looking away from the scene of chaotic traffic just over the wall.I wanted to show the contrast of this peaceful garden surrounded by the city landscape. And who could resist that light coming across the one side of the Madonna?Buy today’s painting here: for following the 120 Day Project!