Day 83: Morning Swim

Day 83: Morning Swim

Today I decided to take the big umbrella to the beach to paint under. I’m glad I did, it really helps to see what you’re doing without all of that glare off the water. There’s also less of a difference and/or surprise when I bring the painting inside afterwardsMorning Swim, Oneglia6×8″Oil on Panel© Kelly Medford, 2012I was able to get a couple of dots of people swimming and sitting on the beach in the distance before everyone disappeared like clockwork for lunch. You would too if you had a home cooked Italian lunch waiting for you!You can buy today’s painting here from my website for $120.Thanks so much for following the 120 Day Project!

1 Comment
  • Kelly Medford

    August 4, 2012 at 10:21 pm

    Thanks Ellie, it seems like the most important thing is to try and get enough shade in the canvas to avoid those surprises! And to just keep learning..