Day 89: New Beginnings

Day 89: New Beginnings

Today I’m on the Italian riviera or the western coast on the way to France in the region called Liguria. It’s beautiful here and very different from what I’m used to calling “the beach”. Here there is a narrow strip of land running along the Mediterranean Sea which is used for a few houses, the train, a narrow windy road and the beach. All of which is backed up against jutting rugged mountains.The beach is almost entirely comprised of stones, big ones that have been gently rounded off by the constant movement of the waves. If you’ve even swam in the Mediterranean, you know that it’s not warm like the Atlantic and it’s also really salty. I like it, it’s refreshing and feels good on your skin.Morning on the Jetty, Porto Maurizio6×8″Oil on Panel© Kelly Medford, 2012I’m in a town called Orneglia, which is a small port city. It’s got this great port area down by where all the fisherman come in with their boats. This morning’s painting is from the jetty where I rode a bicycle out early this morning and caught a second of an older man fishing on the way out to the lighthouse.By the time I was done painting, I was nearly surrounded by people out fishing, old and young alike. It was a perfect day with a cool breeze, a welcome change after the melting heat of Rome.I’m looking forward to exploring the town and painting it over the next 10 days or so, so I hope to paint some nice paintings from this seaside town. Today was just a warm-up as I get to know my way around.You can buy today’s painting here from my website for $120.Thanks for following the 120 Day Project.

  • Cindy Michaud

    July 27, 2012 at 2:19 am

    lighting on this is lovely, you are doing a great job, admiring your discipline dear one!

  • Kelly Medford

    July 27, 2012 at 5:12 pm

    ha thanks Cindy! Not every day is equal, but you’re right, the discipline is worth it. I’m enjoying the 120 days so far..
    Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to leave your comments!