Day 92: Silent Light

Day 92: Silent Light

Someone did the rain dance! Finally after 2 months without a drop, we got a little rain today. This was a great excuse for me to paint an interior. I secretly love painting indoor spaces, especially when they’re empty. There is a lonely mystery that fascinates me about these scenes. So any chance I get, I sit down and paint an interior.Morning Loft8×6″Oil on Panel© Kelly Medford, 2012This is a rare type of space in Italy, at least I haven’t seen many lofts with skylights here. In fact I wish I had my own space like this for painting, the light that filters through here is gorgeous- it’s blue and soft, just what any painting geek would want for a studio!Instead this space is uninhabited, especially now that it’s summer. You won’t find anyone studying here.You can buy this painting here from my website for $120.Thanks so much for your interest and for following the 120 Day Project!